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A boy said to his father "I saw a girl and I want tomarry her. She is so beautiful and she hasgorgeous eyes." The father answered his son "Ofcourse son, let’s ask for her hand in marriage."When the father saw the girl, he admired herbeauty and he told his son, "You don’t deservethis girl, she needs someone who has experiencein life and she can depend on, someone like me."The boy was surprised by the attitude of hisfather and he told him, "She will marry me, notyou." They started to fight and finally theydecided both to go to the police station to solvetheir problem. When they told their story to thepolice officer, he told them: "Bring the girl so wecan ask her about her opinion about this." Whenthe officer saw the beauty of the girl he said tothe boy and his father, "You both don’t deserveher, she needs someone who has prestige likeme." The 3 men started a fight and decided to goto the minister to solve their problem. When theminister saw the girl, he said, "She deserves to bemarried to a minister like me." The prince heardabout their problem and called them all to helpthem solve it but when he saw the girl he said,"This girl will marry me." All the 5 men started tofight. Finally, the girl said, "I have the solution! Iwill start to run and whoever catches me first, hewill be my husband." When she started to run, theboy, his father, the police officer, the minister andthe prince started to run to catch her. Suddenlythe 5 men fell into a deep hole. The girl looked tothem from the top and she said “Did you knowWho am I? I am the Temporal World!!! Peoplewant to run to catch me, they are racing to haveme. By doing that, they forget their God, until theyend up in their grave and won’t have me...." Morallesson!!! Don't forget God because he didn'tforget to wake you up today. If you're gratefulstop and thank God by typing "Thank You God"

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