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Swollen Testicles: My Right Egg Is 3 Times The Size Of My Left Egg, Help

I just came back to my place
in the township from the Villa
and started noticing serious
body pains. At first, I thought
it was just change of
environment but two days
later, my condition was getting
worse. The symtoms am having
are severe body pains, severe
leg pains... As if something is
biting me there and a sharp
pain in my lower right
abdomen. I also noticed that
my right testes was paining
me slightly. I went to a good
pharmacist who gave me drugs
to take including malaria
drugs, pain drugs and anti
biotics. As I started taking the
drugs, I noticed changes in
the sense that my health
Now here is the catch. My
right testicles is getting
swollen and it is paining me
badly. The egg is now like 3
times the size of my left egg.
I cant even move around
properly as I will be having
the feeling that am moving
around with a heavy load. Its
so painful and big. But its not
red in color neither am I
having pains urinating. I only
feel pains each time
something touches it. I cant
even sleep properly now coz I
sleep one side.
What do you guys think is
the problem especially the
issue of swollen right
testicles? Thanks.

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