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4 Medical Treatments to Cure Acne: All You Need to Know

When suffering from active acne and the scars it leaves behind, many people start searching for a solution to these common skin problems. Acne is more than just whiteheads – it can leave behind discoloration, scars, and clogged pores.
Some of the best treatments for acne that cannot be tamed by over-the-counter solutions are medical treatments. Let’s take a look at four popular treatments that may solve your acne problems: microdermabrasion, dermabrasion, chemical peels, and laser resurfacing.


What it is:

A non-invasive procedure that exfoliates and removes a layer of dry, dead skin cells from your skin.

How it works:

Microdermabrasion uses a stream of fine crystals or a diamond tip machine to remove dry, dead skin cells. Some machines have a vacuum system that loosens and removes more skin cells.
Microdermabrasion treatments can be done in-office at the dermatologist or at-home with personal microdermabrasion machines. The in-office procedure is much stronger and gives the skin a deeper treatment.


  • Reduces clogged pores
    Microdermabrasion exfoliation can clear clogged pores of oil and dirt, which can help treat active acne that you may be suffering from.
  • Reduces appearance of fine lines
    after the top layer of dead cells on your skin is removed by microdermabrasion, younger, healthier cells will become visible. These cells have higher levels of collagen and elasticity, which can help reduce the appearance of crow’s feet and other fine lines.
  • Balances out uneven pigmentation
    Mild cases of uneven pigmentation are caused by rosacea can be treated by microdermabrasion.
This treatment may also help keep your skin feeling smooth or clear whiteheads, but it will not remove large wrinkles, dark spots, or deep scarring from the skin.


This depends on the treatment location, the amount of microdermabrasion wanted, and a number of other factors. It is much less expensive than other medical acne treatment options. On average, costs range from $75 to $200.

Side Effects:

Since your skin is being irritated by the treatment, you may find that it is inflamed, red, or sensitive after having microdermabrasion. This should not last for more than a few hours. Always use a good sunscreen if going outside after treatment to protect your new top layer of skin from damage.


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