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My Friend Is Doing Abortion, Should I Talk To Her About It Or Mind My Business?

Good morning y'all.....a friend of mine has had series of abortion and she is still having one right now.....she claims it is menstrual pain but I know it's not,a lot of things gave me the conviction that it is not and she keeps coming up with excuses.....more like she is trying to fool me,thinking I don't know what's going on.

while she was washing clothes outside, I decided to check the drugs she was using and I browsed about it and there it was!

I really feel like talking to her about it because of the serious pains she is going through and i am scared that the next one might be her womb or even death......Buh another part of me is telling me to mind my business.

and the most annoying part is that the guy she is doing it for is going about telling his friends about it and it is spreading....... please what do I do?

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