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Are Nigerian Men Causing Us To Bleach?

I'm a proud dark skin beautiful woman and nothing will change that... something I noticed here on Naijvib blog is that men attack me and the first thing they always mention is my skin colour, how black I am, how dirty my skin looks, one guy even said that I should go and rub small bleaching cream..

So this got me wondering, we ladies might love our colour but constant bashing from our DARK men or brothers who have mothers and sisters that are dark like me are the reasons why girls especially those with low self esteem bleach..

This is something men need to stop. This is Africa, Nigeria is an African country with black people, we should be proud of our skin and love ourselves. Most White people already hate our skin so why add to the hatred?

If you're an African man, be it light/dark and you say a dark girl should go bleach, then maybe you should check yourself. You might have self hate issues and you need to evaluate yourself.....


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