A Ghanaian female celebrity, Rashida Black Beauty, who had a short-lived time in the spotlight has released a nude video of herself to resuscitate her career and celebrity status.
However, what Rashida Black Beauty did not factor into the equation was the reaction of her audience as she has received several backlash which has torpedoed her original shot at fame.
The former celebrity released a 2 minute long video in which she was seen naked and moving provocatively.
She had earlier gained her short-lived fame with the popular Malafaka video which turned out to be an inspiring story for most Ghanaians.
However, what Rashida Black Beauty did not factor into the equation was the reaction of her audience as she has received several backlash which has torpedoed her original shot at fame.
The former celebrity released a 2 minute long video in which she was seen naked and moving provocatively.
She had earlier gained her short-lived fame with the popular Malafaka video which turned out to be an inspiring story for most Ghanaians.