Fearne Cotton stepped out in serious style on Tuesday night as she enjoyed a meal out with her parents. The mother-of-two, is renowned for her fashion-forward dress sense, looked lovely in a vibrant yellow midi dress by London-based designer Olivia Rubin. The "Isabel Frill Midi Dress," retails online for £199, and features feminine ruffled elbow-length sleeves and an asymmetric hemline. Keeping it casual, Fearne teamed her dress with a pair of black and white trainers, and accessorised with an assortment of bangles on her wrists.
And it seems as if Fearne has her mum to thank for her fashion sense. The former Radio One presenter recently opened up to Female First about her love for all things fashion, telling them: "I certainly always loved playing dress up - even as a kid. My mum is massively into fashion and always has been. I have kind of grown up seeing how women can transform themselves with clothes and really change their own mood that day or their feelings by dressing up. I have always had that passion just from watching my mum being super glam."
Fearne Cotton stepped out in a fabulous yellow midi dress by Olivia Rubin
The TV star posted a photo of her evening fashion look on her Instagram account, which she captioned: "Windswept and on route to take the folks to dinner." Fearne's followers were fans of her dress, with one writing: "Love this look," and another saying: "That colour is gorgeous on you – looking beautiful!" A third added: "Ohh ray of sunshine. Glowing in this dress."
Fans were desperate to know where Fearne's striped trousers were from
Fearne, who is mum to four-year-old Rex, and Honey, one, who she shares with rocker husband, Jesse Wood, has been spotted in many fabulous looks of late. Last month, fans were desperate to know where her outfit was from, after she posted a photo of herself on social media dressed in a blue shirt and a pair of wide-legged monochrome stripe trousers. "Where are these trousers from @fearnecotton need need need," one wrote besides the image, while another asked: "Does any one know where these trousers are from?"And it seems as if Fearne has her mum to thank for her fashion sense. The former Radio One presenter recently opened up to Female First about her love for all things fashion, telling them: "I certainly always loved playing dress up - even as a kid. My mum is massively into fashion and always has been. I have kind of grown up seeing how women can transform themselves with clothes and really change their own mood that day or their feelings by dressing up. I have always had that passion just from watching my mum being super glam."