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Abuja-Lokoja highway closed as revenue officials kill tanker driver

Abuja-Lokoja highway
closed as revenue officials
kill tanker driver

The is confusion in Kogi State as the Abuja-
Lokoja highway is completely locked down
following the alleged killing of a tanker driver
by the officials of the state revenue board.
According to an eyewitness, the revenue
officials were said to have flagged down the
truck driver which was coming from Maiduguri
and heading to the South West at about
1:00a.m, early Wednesday morning.
His vehicle was said to have been impounded
until he paid a revenue fee of N5,000.
This was said to have generated a heated
argument between the truck driver and the
revenue officials which later escalated to
physical fight.
The eyewitness also said one of the revenue
officials, who was said to be dead drunk,
allegedly hit the tanker driver with an iron
object, which led to the death of the driver.
This was said to have infuriated other truck
drivers who, in a show of solidarity, parked
their vehicles on the highway.

The revenue officials were said to have
vanished into the bush.
Hundreds of motorists passing the highway are
currently stranded as movement of vehicles
had been halted.

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