The skin which is the largest organ of the body helps in protecting all our internal organs and systems (that is why doctors consider the skin as part of the immune system, they say that it is the first layer of the immune system) and it beautifies the body. The appearance of the skin can tell how healthy a person is and it is used in many traditional healing like Chinese medicine to diagnose illnesses.
The appearance of the skin can make one attractive or repulsive, for women it is a thing of joy to have a flawless and glowing skin.
The best way to get this natural beauty is from the inside out; and this can be done through nutrition and healthy lifestyle. Even if you use the most expensive cream in the world and you are still not getting the right nutrients, your skin will show it and this will not be pleasant. Remember the skin is an indicator for what is happening inside the body, ancient Chinese healers used skin problems to diagnose diseases and they were right because research has proved them right.
So in this article, we will be looking at natural ways to get a beautiful, glowing and Flowless Skin; this will include nutrition, face and body mask recipes and healthy lifestyle that ensure a healthy and beautiful skin.
Vitamin A:
This vitamin helps with skin repair and maintenance; vitamin A deficiency leads to a dry and flaky skin. It also helps in reducing the damage caused by free radicals and it promotes a healthy skin. Rich sources of this vitamin are eggs, sweet potato, liver, green vegetables and red peppers.
Vitamin C:
This vitamin is one of the most important for a healthy, Flawless and Glowing skin. It strengthens the skin, helps to protect the skin from damage and infection, improves production of collagen, enhance complexion, slows down aging and prevents appearance of aging signs and wrinkles, it brightens the skin and prevents spots and pigmentation. It also helps in the synthesis of collagen, the main protein that makes up the skin. Take vitamin C rich foods every day; rich sources of vitamin C are red peppers, grapes, oranges, guavas, lemons, limes, kiwi fruit, broccoli, blackcurrants, strawberries, Amla, pawpaw and sweet potatoes.
Vitamin D:
This vitamin helps with skin growth and repair; it also helps the skin to regenerate. It fights the activity of free radicals and optimizes the skin immune system. It makes the skin radiate, boost elasticity and collagen production, prevents acne, fights aging, wrinkles and dark spots. Get lots of sunshine but avoid high heat of the sun, preferably spend time in sunrise and sunset and eat lots of eggs and poultry to up your vitamin D level.
Vitamin E:
This vitamin is vital for skin health; it even prevents skin cancer when combined with vitamin A. Vitamin E is rich in anti-oxidants which help fight free radicals and it slows the process of aging. Foods rich in vitamin E are walnuts, eggs, almonds, asparagus, avocados, sunflower seeds, olives, oatmeal and dark green leafy vegetables.
This trace mineral helps in repairing damaged tissues and heal wounds faster; it also protects the skin from harmful rays and prevent acne because some studies have linked zinc deficiency to acne. It also controls the production of oil and this can help control oily skin. Rich sources of zinc are ginger, legumes, whole grains, seafood, poultry, pumpkin seeds, mushrooms and dark green leafy vegetables.